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Writer's picture: Ashley MurdockAshley Murdock

I chose this image due to this being one of the most conflicting decisions of all time.

Seth Godin coined the quote "You don't need more time; you just need to decide" as a spinoff of the phrase "You don't make time, you make decisions". Nothing irks me more than someone who tells me they don't have the "time" to do something. I would rather you tell me to F#@$ OFF than to tell me you don't have "time" for something. This is the most piss poor excuse in America to date. I probably have less time than most and still don't use that as an excuse. I work full time, coach an all ladies' gym Monday-Friday morning at 5am, am upstarting this blog, and much more. These are things that I DECIDE to do instead of saying I don't have time.

"You don't make time, you make decisions" means that you should actively choose to prioritize and allocate your time wisely. You should engage in activities that are deliberate and fulfilling. You should also DECIDE to choose WHO you engage and choose to participate in activities with.

Nobody likes to be called out and people hate when you state the obvious. That is exactly what I am going to do here....I am going to call you all out. WHY? Because we are all running out of time!!! We are aging. And you won't always have TOMORROW ahead of you. You are in control of your own life to include decisions and consequences.

Some of you need to decide on some things that you have put on the back burner for quite some time. Have you been hoping for a miracle to come your way for a while now? Like I don't know, waiting for the weight to "fall" off or waiting on that pyramid scheme shake to work its "magic". Yea, keep on hoping and waiting. Because these are all dead ends. Instead of making the decision to get your nutrition in check and get your body moving you are only speeding up the process for you to develop health problems. You need to stop waiting on the right "time" and start making the decision to take control of your body and life.

And let me not get started on the whole prayer chain. I get it. I believe in prayer. But again, praying alone will not get you results. You keep praying and praying for that dream job instead of making the decision to work your ASS off to get the dream job. Yea, good luck with that. I never got anywhere in life being lazy or nice for that matter.

Let's talk about the dreaded excuse for not meal prepping that I get often. "I don't have time". WTF! So you have time to drive to fast food places and wait in line for multiple minutes a week or go sit at Mexican a few times a week but you don't have time to make meals for the week? Make that make sense. I save so much time and money making the decision to meal prep for me and my family. I made the decision to stick to my list and use the BOGO at Publix for success. And trust me, it works. You can do it and you have the time but you make the decision not to do it and use lack of time as the worst excuse of all time.

And then comes family. I don't say that I don't have time for family. I truly make the decisions not to partake in drama and that is that. I have time but I choose ME and my PEACE every time. You don't need to be around unnecessary drama or one-sided relationships anyway. Most of the time no matter how much you give to family; nothing will ever be good enough anyway. So put your efforts into who appreciates you. Just because "they are family" doesn't mean you have to put up with bullshit.

How many of you go on vacation and literally put your whole life on hold while you are away? What I mean by this is that you literally make the decision before you leave that you will eat like a jack ass while you are gone, do no exercise of any sort to include a walk with nature, and drink all the alcoholic drinks you can stand. Trust me. I have done this many times but now I make the decision ahead of time to eat better while I am gone, pack workout clothing and schedule that into my vacation and also to not drink as much. This helps me to not feel like total shit on my vacation and I can actually enjoy my trips.

The point is that we don't make more time, we make decisions to do things. The longer we wait to make a positive decision the more wrong things go. Mel Robbins invented the 5 second rule. Google this. It is actually very interesting and says your brain literally talks you out of things the longer you wait to make a decision. Literally taking more than 5 seconds to make a decision will change your whole day and life. And it is small decisions that make the biggest impact in your life.

Also, F#$% motivation. It is such a myth. It's truly trash. The best life changes are made unplanned. I mean think about it. Who is motivated to take out the trash at home? Not me. But I do it because it needs to be done. Just like you NEED to make decisions to change at times. Don't hesitate just do it, as in the famous terms of Nike.

In conclusion, F#$% your motivation. It isn't real. F#$% your excuses because you do have TIME. You are just too damn lazy to make the POSITIVE decision you need to.



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